Monthly Archives: October 2014

The Church that wears a mask

You up for some juicy church gossip?  I heard about this church and I wanted to give you the inside scoop, so here we go. This particular church is known throughout its denominational life, has excellent programs, big name speakers … Continue reading

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When things aren’t so pleasant (overcoming bitterness)

They were hungry and they fled.  You blame them?  Hunger can make you do crazy things.  Go from eating pizza, McDonalds on the go, and junk food when you want it, to a strict and rigorous diet.  You can feel … Continue reading

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Overcoming Selfishness

I have a confession.  I am selfish and self-centered.  I know you must be recovering from shock and awe at that previous statement, but before you go to Facebook and begin shouting it form the mountain tops, here’s  another revelation:  … Continue reading

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